A Word From Your Host!

No one truly knows their destiny in life, especially in the entertainment world. From having a dream to one day seeing it in fruition. To stand in front of people and keep them entertained and make them feel free to live life as they choose is an amazing feeling! To know that you're apart of that experience is life changing for me! My career in hosting started from having different views in what people wanted, but with encouragement support, and opportunities I have built the foundation that I stand on today. Many times we see debate or disagreement as a reason to fail, but it's actually the opposite! It's a reason to grow and become who you're destined to be. Being in the same place or doing the same thing and getting the same result is the defined as insanity. Remember nothing comes to a dreamer but dreams. When  the work is put in, the dream becomes a reality! 



Sincerely, YourFavoriteHost!